Monday, April 18, 2011

CRG gets vandalized at tea party, madison police refuse to assist.

THIS IS WHAT DEMOCRACY LOOKS LIKE?     PRESS RELEASE For Immediate Release April 17, 2011 For Further Information Contact: Chris Kliesmet, 414-429-9501 Pro-union Protesters Attack CRG Display at Rally   Cause Property Damage, One Arrested City of MadisonPolice Refuse to Render Assistance   CRG Network was forced to hurriedly engage private security to protect its property and signage during participation in the April 16th Tea Party Rally at the State Capitol. A 65-foot, freestanding sign bearing the message “NO NEW TAXES” was erected on the Capitol grounds to the right of center stage along with other accompanying signage.   Pro-union protesters made numerous attempts to vandalize the CRG signage during the event causing significant damage to portions of it. At one point, several members of the Capitol Police had to arrest, physically restrain, handcuff, and remove one of the assailants from the Capitol grounds. Requests for assistance to uniformed members of the City of Madison Police Department by a CRG official were refused.   CRG Network spokesperson Chris Kliesmet reported, “The thug mentality within the union movement was in full display. This was not respectful counter-protesting in the grand American tradition. This was a group of thugs whose primary mission was to intimidate. The union signs were commonly profane. The enraged and indiscriminate screaming, horn blowing, and drumbeating were clearly not intended to provide a thoughtful counterpoint. It was all done for one thuggish purpose, to shove a union jackboot down the throats of citizens assembling to peacefully exercise their free speech rights. Ultimately, it also served to foment mindless criminal action among union fanatics.”   ### When It’s Time for Action
5 hours ago ·  ·  · Share
  • Jonny Cache likes this.
    • Lars Kvam yes. I saw her being handcuffed by the cops
      5 hours ago · 
    • Shelly Lesher How was she vandalizing the sign?
      4 hours ago · 
    • Lars Kvam I didn't see what she was doing to it...I think she was trying to detach the canvass from the frame? that sign was ridiculous basically to keep anti-Tea protestors out of camera view and away from the core supporters in the center...
      4 hours ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Zulu Penguin I have not seen an independent verification of the story presented by Vickie McKenna, is there a credible report of this somewhere?
      4 hours ago · 
    • Take Back America From The Rich You all act like you are surprised about this. Just think about why this happened and remember Andrew Brietbart was in town. ITS A FAKE!!! The women was payed to do it I would bet. It funny we have had over 200,000 and no problems now Brietbart hits town and now we got protesters tearing up signs and getting arrested? I don't buy it.
      4 hours ago ·  ·  3 people
    • Pah Tah I love teapartiers righteous indignation... "The enraged and indiscriminate screaming, horn blowing, and drumbeating were clearly not intended to provide a thoughtful counterpoint." for two years all we saw was teapartiers screaming bloody murder and lying about health care reform.
      about an hour ago ·  ·  1 person
    • Linda Freiberg- Hoyt I agree that it was fake. Completely staged to once again discredit the protesters. Can someone find out who this woman was and where she was from? I would love to see the truth exposed and throw it in their faces!
      15 minutes ago · 

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